Ok so it's been a while since we last have gotten or received feedback so here we go again! 
We have three different posts that we can give feedback on:
1. Legalisation
2. Your first
3. Movie

You are going to provide feedback on every post (these 3) for everybody! I want you to see if that classmate followed instructions on the assignments. What can make these blog posts better? What makes them so good? What makes them so effective? What can make them better? You know the deal by now...no VAGUE comments of superficial stuff here. This is you chance to get to know your classmates a little better and appreciate who they are by giving them your honest feedback!

Good morning everyone! I hope all of you are doing well this fine Tuesday morning. Thank you to all those that confirmed my text message or email that I sent out stating that I wasn't going to make to class last Thursday! 
Well as usual I was reading your blogs and I am really surprised to find that at least 12 of you have not completed the last blog or are not up to date period. Most of your last postings were on the grammar blog and much has been done since then!
In last blog entry, you all had a chance to be a movie critic. Movie critic means that you evaluate the movie in all it's terms...acting, plot, scenery, actors, etc. AND I requested you do two...not ONE but TWO. (A film you liked and another you didn't). Some of you only completed one and in case you completed two I could not distinguish one movie from the other since they are written like one big review. USE VISUALS please to write about your movies. This was your chance to be creative. What happened? I have no idea but I am guessing that since I was out of the classroom you played all too hard. 
If you didn't like a movie don't just tell me but do the same you did with the one you enjoyed. Here are some examples:
Film review 1
Film Review 2
Film Review 3
Film Review 4
Film Review 5
Have a better idea of what reviewing a Film looks like? Now...here's what you'll do, BEFORE you go on to review what you did as a review, I want you to pick two of the reviews I posted here and write what you liked about that particular review. What elements did the review cover? Do you agree with the author of the review? Why or why not? Would you watch that film? Why? If it was a negative review, why would you stay away from the film? 
Now, look at what you wrote, would it be possible for you to emulate what you just read? Now you will review your own review and focus on those elements you KNOW you can improve! Go ahead...take your chances! 

I hope all of you are fine! I had mentioned during last class that I was not coming in last Thursday but not all of you got the message I gave in class...sorry about that!
Right now I am in my office finishing up midterm evaluations so if you need me I'll be downstairs. You have passive work yet again.
Once again, my invitation to you is: if you are behind, stop being behind and catch up already! No need to be so far back!
Now for todays assignment...
This weekend I took a mini break from my routine and decided to go to the movies. On a side note, on Monday I went to see 200 Cartas by myself (I had NEVER gone to the movies by myself so it was a BIG deal!!). I am pleased to inform that it was soooooo worth it! Excellent initiative on behalf of the film industry in Puerto Rico. So, on Saturday I went again to the movies and saw "Gravity". What can I say... I am still breathing heavily after watching that film. 
Do you have an idea of what you are going to write about? Yes...NO? MOVIES!! Yes movies! And at this point I still get students who tell me: "But professor I don't watch movies!" Give me a BREAK!! Not even when you were a kid? No Disney? No...nothing? Well go out and rent one to watch so that you may complete this assignment!
You are going to be a movie critic. You are going to choose a RECENT film you watched and REALLY REALLY liked and one you've watched that you were like: Really!? Did I just pay to see this? (In my case "Elysium")
Tell your reader about the film without spoiling it for us! Make us want to watch the film if you liked it. What was so great about it? Tell me about the acting, the plot, the scenery, the music...everything needed so that you, the movie critic, makes us want to see it!
 If you didn't like it encourage us to watch it but tell us why YOU did not like it. Was it the acting? Was it the theme or plot?
Ok...here is the trick...NO "GRAVITY" or "ELYSIUM" reviews...THEY ARE MINE!! LOL!! ;-)

Last class we didn't meet since I was solving some personal matters. Thanks to those who replied to my text message and if you didn't please do so next time. That's "sort of" the way I take attendance and make sure that you are present somehow. 
Having taken that out of the way...I want is to focus again on writing before I begin another cycle of grammar. I don't want you to get out of your mojo. (BTW, I can assume that none of you are behind anymore, right. I am turbo charging now so hold on tight!)
I want us to start focusing down no our writing. Details, details and more details! I want you to fine tune on an experience and  write about it. Now is it that hard? I find it REALLY hard...but that's just me!
Choose 2 of the three writing prompts below. Write each one that you chose a separate blog entry. 
1) Describe a “first” (first apartment, first kiss, first time driving a car, first lie, first big success, first roller coaster ride, first time in this setting). Include as many details as possible, being sure to include an aspect relating to each of the five senses.
2) Describe a memorable event, positive or negative, and how it felt to you, but do not name the feeling. Instead, tell how it felt in your body (damp hands, metallic taste, tight throat, wobbly knees, etc.).

3) Describe a significant person (teacher, neighbor, mentor, coach, parent, sibling, sweetheart) with as many physical details as possible, but no clichés! (If you’ve heard the expression before, don’t use it.)

(Horrible PIC!! I know...I guess I was just bored!) 
Hey everyone! I was once more checking your blogs and some of you have fallen behind...seriously behind and I need for you to catch up so that I can move on with the grammar aspect that we started on Thursday! There is no need to be behind, most of you have access to the internet. 
Another observation, this class meets TWICE a week; I never mentioned it being once a week.  Absences constitute an ADVERSE effect on your grade. Please be aware of that since some of you don't come to my class but I happen to bump into you down the hallways...
So for today I want you to:
1. Finish up last weeks assignment on grammar 
 (If you did that then proceed to #2)

2. More practice! This time just answer on the page and make sure you get a score... Once you are done with that proceed to Number 3. 

Quiz on Prepositions

3. Last Thursday I went to see Cornel West at el teartro de la UPI! I've been an avid follower of what he has to say and constantly have watched on Bill Maher and have read several of his works. I felt as if every other things that comes out his mouth is something I should be writing down because to me he is THAT quotable. Towards the end of the talk some questions where asked from the public and low and behold...someone asked the big "M" question... YES the famous "What is your take or stand on the Marihuana debate here in PR?" 
People applauded and laughed and Dr. West didn't actually answer in the way the student maybe wanted it to be answered but it sure got some attention. On a picture I posted someone commented the following:
"Ahora le preguntan sobre la marihuana. Un mafutero se levanta a preguntar que piensa sobre marihuana. Le explican a west lo que pasa con el debate de la marijuana. Evidentemente por los aplausos se ve que los estudiantes en la UPR se pasan más tiempo fumando marijuana que en prácticas intelectuales. West se desvía y contesta una pregunta del cinismo.
Y es ciertamente preocupante el nivel de superficialidad de la discusión de la variedad de temas tratados. Tal vez es porque la lengua inglesa no deja mucho para que se piensen temas complejos en inglés, pero dudo que sea eso ya que varios estudiantes se expresaron en muy buen inglés allí y el público (casa llena) parece que entendía la mayoría de las cosas que decía West. Por ende, el nivel de superficialidad creo que se debe a la cantidad de marihuana que se está fumando en la YUPI. Cuando un estudiante empezó a citar la Biblia (génesis) para que lo dejen fumar marihuana todo el mundo se levantó en aplausos. Se aplaudió más el pasto que la libertad de Oscar López Rivera. Eso dice mucho del "primero centro docente" y dice mucho también del poder de la marihuana sobre sus usuarios. Y gracais a Dios también a que West no le dio por ponerse a hacer comentarios anti-semitas en esta ocasión." Edelmiro Antonio Salas González
I want you do a post on this issue using the following as guidelines: 
 You are to gather information on the debate (pro and cons) Now, I know this debate is an old one but I want you to contextualize this debate and WHY is it in important in PR? Why are we making such a BIG deal about this? Should we be making a BIGGER deal about this?
Based Solely on the information you gathered...NOT YOUR OPINION! Address the following questions:
What is at stake? 
What do both sides say about this issue? 
Why is this issue so important?
Does this have any social and/or historical repercussions? Why and how? 

NOW I want your opinion...INFORMED on this "news":
How do you feel about this?
What stance are you taking?
Defend your point of view with any information you found about the issue. 
What other issues should be addressed as passionately as this one?
What do believe will be the final result of this issue?
Dear Grammar,
Word can not express how much I despise thee. It is not about you personally but you are so so complex. I run and run yet I can't escape...it's a trap! 

Oh...I am sorry. You're there! Sorry about that but Grammar is just one of those things I really don't like that much but you know what? Like they say in Spanish: "Es un mal necesario!" We need it as part of our process and our learning of writing well and coherent or else people will only focus on your grammar and not on your content. 
For today we will be practicing our grammar! YAY!!! I have provided you with some links below that YOU MUST complete and provide the answer as a  blog entry. Check your self. ALL these exercises  provide you with the answers. DON'T Cheat and BE HONEST!! Answer the exercises and then look for the answers. What were your results? What do those results tell you?   

1. Sentence Fragments
2. Run- on, comma splices, and fused sentences
3. Subject and Verb Agreement 
4. Eliminating Wordiness
5. Eliminating Wordiness 2
6. Eliminating Wordiness 3
7. Prepositions
8. More Prepositions

Ok so you know by now that I usually check out the blogs in the morning and I haven't seen any REAL feedback on classmates' requested posts. Some of you have not posted what you want revised and what you want your classmates to focus on! And I said some...the majority of you are on track and ready to keep reading/ giving or providing feedback to your peers. 

To get you all started, here are some guidelines that may help out with this whoel:
1. Oxford University 
2. Guidelines for giving peer feedback
3. Giving constructive feedback for dummies

Take some of these things into consideration when giving feedback! You don't have to include everything. 

Make sure you posted the "piece" you want revised and what you want to receive feedback on. You must have at least 10 comments regarding your post. Please make sure that you are choosing people from the list randomly. Don't go in order or else you all will be focusing on the same people. 

1. "Inquiring minds want to know about you"
2. "Find a cause"
3. Collegiate classification"
4. "For those about to rock, we salute you"
5. Soundtrack to your life

Look carefully and decide which you want. Once you have that done I want you to create a blog entry with the title you want to be polished AND what specific things you want your readers to focus on. I know you are your worst critic but sometimes/ most of the time/ all of the time you need to have a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th person come and tell you what you may not be seeing. 
This is an exercise in vulnerability. You are exposing yourself to the scrutiny of others. 
So we did another entry last class on the soundtrack to your life! How did you like it? It was fun but sort of challenging right? Well it is time to move on...sort of!
We will be talking in class a little about feedback and it's importance. Afterwards, you will have a chance to look into and revise ANY piece you feel you want to PUBLISH! Yes...I said it...PUBLISH! The publishing part is the final part so right now I want you to focus on that piece you want to publish. 
You can choose from:

Once you choose what you wish to publish, you are going to look at your peers blog and read what they want you to read. GIVE THEM FEEDBACK on what they asked for and suggest that they revise maybe things they didn't realized they needed to focus on.