(Horrible PIC!! I know...I guess I was just bored!) 
Hey everyone! I was once more checking your blogs and some of you have fallen behind...seriously behind and I need for you to catch up so that I can move on with the grammar aspect that we started on Thursday! There is no need to be behind, most of you have access to the internet. 
Another observation, this class meets TWICE a week; I never mentioned it being once a week.  Absences constitute an ADVERSE effect on your grade. Please be aware of that since some of you don't come to my class but I happen to bump into you down the hallways...
So for today I want you to:
1. Finish up last weeks assignment on grammar 
 (If you did that then proceed to #2)

2. More practice! This time just answer on the page and make sure you get a score... Once you are done with that proceed to Number 3. 

Quiz on Prepositions

3. Last Thursday I went to see Cornel West at el teartro de la UPI! I've been an avid follower of what he has to say and constantly have watched on Bill Maher and have read several of his works. I felt as if every other things that comes out his mouth is something I should be writing down because to me he is THAT quotable. Towards the end of the talk some questions where asked from the public and low and behold...someone asked the big "M" question... YES the famous "What is your take or stand on the Marihuana debate here in PR?" 
People applauded and laughed and Dr. West didn't actually answer in the way the student maybe wanted it to be answered but it sure got some attention. On a picture I posted someone commented the following:
"Ahora le preguntan sobre la marihuana. Un mafutero se levanta a preguntar que piensa sobre marihuana. Le explican a west lo que pasa con el debate de la marijuana. Evidentemente por los aplausos se ve que los estudiantes en la UPR se pasan más tiempo fumando marijuana que en prácticas intelectuales. West se desvía y contesta una pregunta del cinismo.
Y es ciertamente preocupante el nivel de superficialidad de la discusión de la variedad de temas tratados. Tal vez es porque la lengua inglesa no deja mucho para que se piensen temas complejos en inglés, pero dudo que sea eso ya que varios estudiantes se expresaron en muy buen inglés allí y el público (casa llena) parece que entendía la mayoría de las cosas que decía West. Por ende, el nivel de superficialidad creo que se debe a la cantidad de marihuana que se está fumando en la YUPI. Cuando un estudiante empezó a citar la Biblia (génesis) para que lo dejen fumar marihuana todo el mundo se levantó en aplausos. Se aplaudió más el pasto que la libertad de Oscar López Rivera. Eso dice mucho del "primero centro docente" y dice mucho también del poder de la marihuana sobre sus usuarios. Y gracais a Dios también a que West no le dio por ponerse a hacer comentarios anti-semitas en esta ocasión." Edelmiro Antonio Salas González
I want you do a post on this issue using the following as guidelines: 
 You are to gather information on the debate (pro and cons) Now, I know this debate is an old one but I want you to contextualize this debate and WHY is it in important in PR? Why are we making such a BIG deal about this? Should we be making a BIGGER deal about this?
Based Solely on the information you gathered...NOT YOUR OPINION! Address the following questions:
What is at stake? 
What do both sides say about this issue? 
Why is this issue so important?
Does this have any social and/or historical repercussions? Why and how? 

NOW I want your opinion...INFORMED on this "news":
How do you feel about this?
What stance are you taking?
Defend your point of view with any information you found about the issue. 
What other issues should be addressed as passionately as this one?
What do believe will be the final result of this issue?

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