Unfortunately I won't be physically there with you for today. I was asked to get  a report done for a meeting I am to attend tomorrow; but, that doesn't mean that you don't have work to do! 
Last week we spoke about feedback. How do we receive it? How do we feel about receiving it and how we give it? We learned that we aren't always ready to give or receive feedback but on that same note, understand the importance of it when we are writing. 
After that I gave you time to catch up in your writings. You see how one day of not coming to class and not doing your work delays your process and progress in class? Information for you! 

Okay...today I want you do something fun! Are you ready? BUT before we have fun I need you to have at least provided feedback on 10 (TEN) blogs and have received feedback from at least TEN (10) of your classmates. If you haven't, it is YOUR responsibility to ask people to give you feedback! 
Now back to the assignment: 
I want you to compile the soundtrack to your LIFE! How? EASY! 
You are going to choose 15-20 songs that would/ could, can or at some point spoke to where you were at at some point in your life! YOU KNOW I am not just going to ask for a list of songs...you do know that right? You are going to provide your readers with a reason WHY that song is part of your list. You may include parts of the lyrics and videos if you wish. Prove to us, explain to us, make your case to us your readers as to WHY that song is there! You should go in chronological order and NO repeats in your list. You can't have the same song twice! You follow me? And out of you list, choose that theme song of your life! Which one song is your theme song! WHY???
Okay I believe you have a TON of work to do so get started ASAP and please...STOP falling behind. Coming to class is MANDATORY and NOT optional! You got me? Decide whether or not this class is for you!!!
See you on Thursday! I am in my office if you  need me okay? I'll be coming up shortly to pass attendance! 

Good morning everyone! I was browsing through your blogs this morning and I was laughing my head off with what most you wrote responding to the blog article on UPR men. I found them witty and insightful! 
I also noticed that some of you are WAY behind although I am pleased to announce that NOT ALL of you are!! More than half of you are UP TO DATE!! You guys have no idea how that makes me feel. 
Now, that does mean that what you wrote was completely perfect. Writing is all about the actual writing AND receiving and providing feedback! It's not a one shot deal. It's all a process! 

For today you can do one of two things: 
1. Catch up on your blog entries...which I would highly suggest if you are behind.
2. Give feedback on your peer's blog. Now I want you to be honest about what you read. It's not about saying things like "Oh, I really like your writing!" or "Nice job". I want you to be critical. If it's good, what's so good about it? Vocabulary? Sentence structure? Choice of phrases? 

If something is missing, what is missing? Conclusion? Introduction? Transitional sentences? 
Are there too many grammatical mistakes? Are thoughts incomplete? Do you feel that the entry is complete?
FEEDBACK IS FEEDBACK! Try to impact as many blogs as possible. 
2) As I was frantically wasting my time away on Facebook this morning I came across this interesting piece of writing: 

A Collegiette's Classification of UPR Men

I found it to quite interesting I would love it if you could write back to her...NOT on the her page but on yours. I want you to voice how you feel about her writing. Do you find her funny? Is it true what she's exposing? Would any of those classifications change for you? Would you add anything? 
If you were to describe the GIRLS of this University like Ms. .Thurin did the boys, would it look the same? Would it be the same? 
Have fun...write something similar but in your point of view...be it guys or girls. Would you dare? C'mon, I DARE YOU!!
You could it even do it about students according to their UPR Campuses....
1) Ok so we all made a BIG deal about this "thing" called Gabrielle coming close or passing over our island but nothing happened...well something happened... WE GOT A DAY OFF!!! YAY!!! Although we all know that we will be making it up down the line. It's all good. 
Well now back to business. Last class we all had the chance of looking up and writing about the music that we enjoy. For the first half hour (1/2 hour) of the class you are going to visit blogs. I want you to provide feedback and comment about what that other person wrote. We are NOT commenting on their taste in music please. So if someone wrote about the "Justin Beiber"...it's ok...there is no need to shoot ANYONE!! LOL! ;-) Who do you share musical tastes with? Who is your complete opposite? 
Ok...this class is a little "more" research oriented than INGL 3231 so we need to begin somewhere! Your first "mini" research assignment. 
1. Choose THREE of your favorite bands, artists, singer, group, orchestra, choir...(get it right?) 
Tell your reader: What makes them your favorite? When do you listen to "them, it, him/her"? Since when have you been a fan? What is it about their or that music that moves you? What makes them relevant, important, classic...? What kind of mood does it put you in? Have you ever been to their concert? 

2. Look into at least 3 sites (FOR EACH) on the internet regarding those bands, artists, group, orchestra, choir that you chose. For example: If you happen to have a taste for Miley Cyrus, One Direction and Justin Beiber (YOU ARE IN THE WRONG CLASS!!! Just KIDDING!!!) You are going to choose 3 sites (fan sites or her personal site NO WIKIPEDIA PLEASE!!! Maybe Wikipedia would be useful because they include links that could guide your research but please don't you use it a source...) for Miley Cyrus. The same for One Direction and the same for Justin Beiber. 

3. What information does that site have?
You will provide a link to those sites and tell me what you found. Summarize what you found in each site. Did you like it? Was it user friendly? Did it give the info that you expected? What were you expecting to find? Is any information missing? 
Now...let me answer the question that somehow ALWAYS comes up: My band is not popular and has no site? Ok... well what if you were to create a site. What would it have? What pictures would you include? What info do you believe would be necessary to have a site?    

4. Analyze this activity. In this part of the activity include, when available, quotes the artist has been known for or your favorite parts of their songs. A video could be nice too just in case you think we might like it! What did you learn about your favorite band, artist, singer? Who else is as much a fan as you? Why is the internet such an important tool for musicians? In what ways could it be detrimental to an artist? 

With all that is happening in Puerto Rico and around the world I tend to become a pessimist. I can't seem to get out of a certain "funk" or sense of helplessness and honestly believe that something must be shaken up to its core before any real change can happen. 
Recently, I was heartbroken to read about the little boy in Rincon who was left in an old and abandoned washing machine. I guess things like this affect me on a personal level because I am a mom and can't fathom anything so atrocious happening to my 14 year old...even though I know that while he is exposed to the world anything can happen. I read about the brutal slayings of a transgendered in Jamaica and can't help but feel horrified. Again my maternal instincts kick in and I can't help but wonder what comes next for my son's future. 
But, I can't really remain in that state and I am a TRUE daydreamer. I always fantasize about what I would do with money and time. Who can I help? and Why? Where would I be? What would be that non-profit organization's vision and mission? 

I want you to look for something that moves you to the point that you would create an organisation for. Mind you, it's okay if that "thing" you care for already has an organization, I want you to create your own. How would it be different from the one that already exists? If there is nothing out there create it form scratch. My purpose is that you find something that is dear to your heart and create from your soul something that would make this world a better place. 
There is a catch. You must document and show evidence that there is a need for your philanthropical cause. For example if I wanted do one with battered women I need to look up news surrounding this need.  
Keep the following in mind:
Who can I help? and Why? Where would I be? What would be that non-profit organization's vision and mission?

So here we are, still figuring out all this blog stuff out. It's something new to most of us but in time you will get used to it and eventually miss it when you don't use it. Believe me, I still have students ask me, when they see that I'll be teaching a course that they'll be taking, if we are going to be using our blogs and when I say no their faces automatically reflect disappointment. 
Having said that, are you ready for another assignment? I sure hope so. 

So, all of you have had led interesting lives, regardless of how you sometimes believe it's boring or uneventful. Life is life and it is full of peaks and valleys. Now what if I were to ask you the following: 
If there was a director out there willing to make a movie about your life and ask you to write the script and cast the characters what would you do? HA! This is your first "OFFICIAL" blog post! 
Who would you cast as your characters? Where would this movie take place? What would be the storyline? 
Would be an action film, a comedy, tragedy, spoof, docudrama, terror, suspense, a musical or a....well I rather not go there! LOL! What would the title be? Why? What would be theme song? 

Just to give you a hint...
Queen Latifah- Zenaida Sanjurjo
Javier Bardem- Raúl Estrada

Theme song would be Pink's "True Love"

HA!! I bet you didn't see that one coming right? It's a mismatch, I know..but a woman can dream right? And the song pretty sums up my 20 year relationship!

Enjoy your assignment!

I managed a bar for two years.
I was unpopular and awkward as a teenager.
I am diagnosed a 90% introvert.
I have 3 tattoos.
I love Disney movies.
I am daddy's little girl.