Good morning everyone! I hope all of you are doing well this fine Tuesday morning. Thank you to all those that confirmed my text message or email that I sent out stating that I wasn't going to make to class last Thursday! 
Well as usual I was reading your blogs and I am really surprised to find that at least 12 of you have not completed the last blog or are not up to date period. Most of your last postings were on the grammar blog and much has been done since then!
In last blog entry, you all had a chance to be a movie critic. Movie critic means that you evaluate the movie in all it's terms...acting, plot, scenery, actors, etc. AND I requested you do two...not ONE but TWO. (A film you liked and another you didn't). Some of you only completed one and in case you completed two I could not distinguish one movie from the other since they are written like one big review. USE VISUALS please to write about your movies. This was your chance to be creative. What happened? I have no idea but I am guessing that since I was out of the classroom you played all too hard. 
If you didn't like a movie don't just tell me but do the same you did with the one you enjoyed. Here are some examples:
Film review 1
Film Review 2
Film Review 3
Film Review 4
Film Review 5
Have a better idea of what reviewing a Film looks like? Now...here's what you'll do, BEFORE you go on to review what you did as a review, I want you to pick two of the reviews I posted here and write what you liked about that particular review. What elements did the review cover? Do you agree with the author of the review? Why or why not? Would you watch that film? Why? If it was a negative review, why would you stay away from the film? 
Now, look at what you wrote, would it be possible for you to emulate what you just read? Now you will review your own review and focus on those elements you KNOW you can improve! Go ahead...take your chances! 

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