Dear Grammar,
Word can not express how much I despise thee. It is not about you personally but you are so so complex. I run and run yet I can't escape...it's a trap! 

Oh...I am sorry. You're there! Sorry about that but Grammar is just one of those things I really don't like that much but you know what? Like they say in Spanish: "Es un mal necesario!" We need it as part of our process and our learning of writing well and coherent or else people will only focus on your grammar and not on your content. 
For today we will be practicing our grammar! YAY!!! I have provided you with some links below that YOU MUST complete and provide the answer as a  blog entry. Check your self. ALL these exercises  provide you with the answers. DON'T Cheat and BE HONEST!! Answer the exercises and then look for the answers. What were your results? What do those results tell you?   

1. Sentence Fragments
2. Run- on, comma splices, and fused sentences
3. Subject and Verb Agreement 
4. Eliminating Wordiness
5. Eliminating Wordiness 2
6. Eliminating Wordiness 3
7. Prepositions
8. More Prepositions

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