Good morning everyone! I was browsing through your blogs this morning and I was laughing my head off with what most you wrote responding to the blog article on UPR men. I found them witty and insightful! 
I also noticed that some of you are WAY behind although I am pleased to announce that NOT ALL of you are!! More than half of you are UP TO DATE!! You guys have no idea how that makes me feel. 
Now, that does mean that what you wrote was completely perfect. Writing is all about the actual writing AND receiving and providing feedback! It's not a one shot deal. It's all a process! 

For today you can do one of two things: 
1. Catch up on your blog entries...which I would highly suggest if you are behind.
2. Give feedback on your peer's blog. Now I want you to be honest about what you read. It's not about saying things like "Oh, I really like your writing!" or "Nice job". I want you to be critical. If it's good, what's so good about it? Vocabulary? Sentence structure? Choice of phrases? 

If something is missing, what is missing? Conclusion? Introduction? Transitional sentences? 
Are there too many grammatical mistakes? Are thoughts incomplete? Do you feel that the entry is complete?
FEEDBACK IS FEEDBACK! Try to impact as many blogs as possible. 

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